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Community Association of Mid-Juruá presents managed Arapaima of the Amazon at the largest natural products fair in Latin America

From June 8th to 11th, Associação dos Produtores Rurais de Carauari (ASPROC) was present in the NaturalTech Fair. The event is held annually in São Paulo and brings together the main initiatives of natural products market in Latin America

By Talita Oliveira | Coletivo do Pirarucu

Feira NaturalTech, a the largest natural products fair in Latin America (Photo: Disclosure Biobrazil NaturalTech)

The sustainably managed wild arapaima produced in the state of Amazonas was present at Naturaltech, the largest natural products fair in Latin America. The event was held this year from June 8th to 11th at the Anhembi Exhibition Pavilion, in São Paulo (SP). Associação dos Produtores Rurais de Carauari (ASPROC) showed wild arapaima sustainably managed in the region, in addition to açaí pulp and manioc flour, along with other social and environmental impact initiatives at the Amazônia em Casa – Floresta em pé stand. Among the objectives of the event is the promotion of a healthy life, networking and exchange of experiences between manufacturers on the market for sustainable products.

The market access program Amazônia em Casa Floresta em Pé enabled the participation of ASPROC

The participation of ASPROC at the fair was made possible through the selection of the association in the market access program Amazônia em Casa Floresta em Pé, carried out by Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Amazônia (Idesam), AMAZ Acceleradora de Impacto, and Climate Ventures, which promotes a series of activities to strengthen and promote initiatives to commercialize forest products and assets. The program set up a stand of almost 100m² at the fair, the largest dedicated to the Amazon, shared with 32 businesses with a socio-environmental impact and a program that includes an exchange of experiences between manufacturers and producers, end consumers and retail chains, seeking to bring visibility to socio-biodiversity ingredients from the Amazon region to expand its access to the market.

APROC’s stand at NaturalTech exhibits managed pirarucu, açaí pulp and manioc flour. (Photo: Disclosure AMAZ Impact Accelerator)

The space dedicated to ASPROC, the main product on display was the sustainably managed wild arapaima. Managed since 1999 in Amazonas and other states in the northern region. The management guarantees the survival of the arapaima, the food sovereignty of the communities, and ensures income for indigenous and traditional peoples. The management is recognized as a successful economic activity which combines productivity and biodiversity conservation.

The promotion of sustainable management of wild arapaima is articulated by Coletivo do Pirarucu, an initiative created in 2018, which includes ASPROC and several community-based associations, governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as international cooperation bodies. ASPROC coordinates the commercial arrangement of Coletivo and Gosto da Amazônia, brand, created in 2019 with the objective of expanding the sale of managed arapaima, opening and consolidating markets in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, and Recife.

Ana Alice, marketing coordinator for ASPROC, at the association’s stand during NaturalTech (Photo: AMAZ Aceladora de Impacto Disclosure)

About the association’s participation in the fair, Ana Alice, who is ASPROC’s marketing coordinator, says that she was excited about the opportunity to make contacts with potential customers, from direct consumers to companies, and to expand the market for arapaima, açaí pulp, and cassava flour. “The fair is a differentiated space for us to promote and expand the market for socio-biodiversity products that are produced by our associates, with emphasis on the arapaima from Gosto da Amazonia, managed by different areas of the Amazon”, highlights the coordinator.


Created more than 25 years ago, Associação dos Produtores de Carauari (ASPROC) is responsible for marketing the managed arapaima, and represents more than 500 families from 55 riverside communities in the municipality of Carauari – AM, 780 km from Manaus, in the region known as Mid-Juruá. It is part of the Arapaima Collective, a network made up of fishermen and several community, governmental and non-governmental organizations, which has been working since 2018 in the articulation of strategies for valuing and strengthening the practice of arapaima management.

For more information and product acquisitions:

Cel/whatsapp: (92) 98429 9235
Social Media: @asprocmediojurua 

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