

Rosângela is a dreamer. A resident of the São Raimundo community - RESEX Médio Juruá, she is a sustainable production technician, Environmental Volunteer Agent, and is currently studying Field Education. She also helps coordinate a youth group in the community and is president of the Association of Agroextraction Women of Médio Juruá - ASMAMJ. Rosângela has always loved the simplicity of living in the forest, and since she was a child she has had the influence of wanting to protect and care for this treasure called the FOREST, and her greatest dream is to change the world, where women and men can be equal.
Association of Agroextraction Women of Médio Juruá (ASMAMJ)
Rosângela is a dreamer. A resident of the São Raimundo community - RESEX Médio Juruá, she is a sustainable production technician, Environmental Volunteer Agent, and is currently studying Field Education. She also helps coordinate a youth group in the community and is president of the Association of Agroextraction Women of Médio Juruá - ASMAMJ. Rosângela has always loved the simplicity of living in the forest, and since she was a child she has had the influence of wanting to protect and care for this treasure called the FOREST, and her greatest dream is to change the world, where women and men can be equal.
Association of Agroextraction Women of Médio Juruá (ASMAMJ)
Edervan is a forestry technician from CETAM and an environmental manager from the University of Amazonas State (UEA). Since 2013, he has been worked on the collaborative project between Associação dos Produtores Rurais de Carauari (ASPROC) and Natura to strengthen the oilseed production chain and improve the management of community-based organizations, including ASPROC and AMARU as well as the Cooperativa Mista de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Economia Solidária da Reserva Extrativista do Médio Juruá (CODAEMJ).
Association of Rural Producers of Carauari (ASPROC)
Edervan is a forestry technician from CETAM and an environmental manager from the University of Amazonas State (UEA). Since 2013, he has been worked on the collaborative project between Associação dos Produtores Rurais de Carauari (ASPROC) and Natura to strengthen the oilseed production chain and improve the management of community-based organizations, including ASPROC and AMARU as well as the Cooperativa Mista de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Economia Solidária da Reserva Extrativista do Médio Juruá (CODAEMJ).
Association of Rural Producers of Carauari (ASPROC)
Fernanda is a prominent community leader that knows very well the reality of rural communities along the Juruá river.
Lago Serrado community | Associação dos Moradores Agroextrativistas do Baixo Médio Juruá (AMAB)
Fernanda is a prominent community leader that knows very well the reality of rural communities along the Juruá river.
Lago Serrado community | Associação dos Moradores Agroextrativistas do Baixo Médio Juruá (AMAB)
Franciney is a young leader with a huge amount of experience on participatory monitoring. He has been working in close collaboration with our team over the last 10 years.
Xué Community
Franciney is a young leader with a huge amount of experience on participatory monitoring. He has been working in close collaboration with our team over the last 10 years.
Xué Community
Vigia is a highly experienced community leader and president of AMAS -5. He is particularly knowledgeable on the community-based management of freshwater turtles.
Vigia is a highly experienced community leader and president of AMAS -5. He is particularly knowledgeable on the community-based management of freshwater turtles.
Gilberto Olavo is manager of the RDS Uacari and leads many activities across the reserves of the Juruá river. Gilberto helps us to implement a wide range of applied projects to strengthen the management of protected areas.
Manager of Uacari Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS Uacari)
Gilberto Olavo is manager of the RDS Uacari and leads many activities across the reserves of the Juruá river. Gilberto helps us to implement a wide range of applied projects to strengthen the management of protected areas.
Manager of Uacari Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS Uacari)
José is known as the “arapaima king” due to his skills in arapaima fishing. José is also president of the Associação de Moradores da RDS Uacari (AMARU), a local association that works in close partnership with Instituto Juruá.
Xibauzinho Community | Association of Agro-extractivist Residents of the Uacari Sustainable Development Reserve (AMARU)
José is known as the “arapaima king” due to his skills in arapaima fishing. José is also president of the Associação de Moradores da RDS Uacari (AMARU), a local association that works in close partnership with Instituto Juruá.
Xibauzinho Community | Association of Agro-extractivist Residents of the Uacari Sustainable Development Reserve (AMARU)
Luciene Lima is director and coordinator of the Association of Agroextractive Producers of the Nova Esperança Community (AANE) and a member of the Association of Agroextractive Women of the Middle Juruá (ASMAMJ). Luciene is an instructor in handmade ecological soap and has thus been supporting the area surrounding the RESEX Médio Juruá with free workshops for women in the production of cleaning materials. She is the moderator, secretary and treasurer of the Leadership Council of the Nova Esperança Community. In addition, she also works as a teacher, volunteer librarian and reading mediator for the Vaga Lume association.
Association of Agroextractive Producers of the Nova Esperança Community (AANE)
Luciene Lima is director and coordinator of the Association of Agroextractive Producers of the Nova Esperança Community (AANE) and a member of the Association of Agroextractive Women of the Middle Juruá (ASMAMJ). Luciene is an instructor in handmade ecological soap and has thus been supporting the area surrounding the RESEX Médio Juruá with free workshops for women in the production of cleaning materials. She is the moderator, secretary and treasurer of the Leadership Council of the Nova Esperança Community. In addition, she also works as a teacher, volunteer librarian and reading mediator for the Vaga Lume association.
Association of Agroextractive Producers of the Nova Esperança Community (AANE)
Manoel Cunha is one of the most important environmental leaders in Amazonia. He helps us to design projects that can be applied at a large scale, properly addressing local demands and social aspirations from local communities.
São Raimundo Community | Manager of Middle Juruá Extractive Reserve (RESEX Médio Juruá)
Manoel Cunha is one of the most important environmental leaders in Amazonia. He helps us to design projects that can be applied at a large scale, properly addressing local demands and social aspirations from local communities.
São Raimundo Community | Manager of Middle Juruá Extractive Reserve (RESEX Médio Juruá)
Manoelzinho is the president of the Association of Rural Producers of Carauari (ASPROC), a fundamental organization in the empowerment of local communities in the face of the poor working conditions imposed by the rubber exploitation in the past. Manoelzinho is a great local leader and does a great endeavor to ensure the well-being of rural Amazon communities associated with the protection of biodiversity.
Association of Rural Producers of Carauari (ASPROC)
Manoelzinho is the president of the Association of Rural Producers of Carauari (ASPROC), a fundamental organization in the empowerment of local communities in the face of the poor working conditions imposed by the rubber exploitation in the past. Manoelzinho is a great local leader and does a great endeavor to ensure the well-being of rural Amazon communities associated with the protection of biodiversity.
Association of Rural Producers of Carauari (ASPROC)
Nerinho Santos is a resident of the city of Itamarati (AM), representative of the riverine communities of this municipality, and President of the Environmental Association of Extractivists, Fishermen and Rural Producers of Itamarati.
Environmental Association of Extractivists, Fishermen and Rural Producers of Itamarati (AAEPRI)
Nerinho Santos is a resident of the city of Itamarati (AM), representative of the riverine communities of this municipality, and President of the Environmental Association of Extractivists, Fishermen and Rural Producers of Itamarati.
Environmental Association of Extractivists, Fishermen and Rural Producers of Itamarati (AAEPRI)
Pha'avi is the president of ASPODEX, an indigenous association from the Xeruã river, a tributary of the Juruá. Pha'avi helps us to understand indigenous demand and needs within the wider Juruá landscape.
Boiador Community | Deni Association from Rio Xeruã (ASPODEX )
Pha'avi is the president of ASPODEX, an indigenous association from the Xeruã river, a tributary of the Juruá. Pha'avi helps us to understand indigenous demand and needs within the wider Juruá landscape.
Boiador Community | Deni Association from Rio Xeruã (ASPODEX )
Quilvilene Cunha is a young leader from the São Raimundo community, in the Médio Juruá Extractive Reserve. She is a technician in Sustainable Production in Conservation Units, studying for a degree in Rural Pedagogy, and director of the women's association ASMAMJ.
São Raimundo community | Association of Agroextractivist Women of Médio Juruá (ASMAMJ)
Quilvilene Cunha is a young leader from the São Raimundo community, in the Médio Juruá Extractive Reserve. She is a technician in Sustainable Production in Conservation Units, studying for a degree in Rural Pedagogy, and director of the women's association ASMAMJ.
São Raimundo community | Association of Agroextractivist Women of Médio Juruá (ASMAMJ)
Raimundo is a resident of the São Raimundo community, located in the Mid-Juruá Extractive Reserve. Raimundo is a technician in sustainable production within Protected Areas from the Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas (CETAM), coordinator of the Mid-Juruá Young Protagonists group since 2017, and representative of the São Raimundo Community Residents Association (AMECSARA) since 2016.
São Raimundo Community Residents Association (AMECSARA)
Raimundo is a resident of the São Raimundo community, located in the Mid-Juruá Extractive Reserve. Raimundo is a technician in sustainable production within Protected Areas from the Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas (CETAM), coordinator of the Mid-Juruá Young Protagonists group since 2017, and representative of the São Raimundo Community Residents Association (AMECSARA) since 2016.
São Raimundo Community Residents Association (AMECSARA)
Raqueline Nery has been an Environmental Manager for nine years, graduated in the Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, she has been working in social movements since 2009, when she joined the Conselho Nacional dos Seringueiros (CNS) as a volunteer, and worked in different community-based organizations in the mid-Juruá region. She currently works as an Executive Analyst for the Mid-Juruá Benefits Sharing and works at the Secretary of the Médio Juruá Territory Forum.
Mid-Juruá Benefits Sharing (RBMJ) | Médio Juruá Territory Forum (Fórum TMJ)
Raqueline Nery has been an Environmental Manager for nine years, graduated in the Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, she has been working in social movements since 2009, when she joined the Conselho Nacional dos Seringueiros (CNS) as a volunteer, and worked in different community-based organizations in the mid-Juruá region. She currently works as an Executive Analyst for the Mid-Juruá Benefits Sharing and works at the Secretary of the Médio Juruá Territory Forum.
Mid-Juruá Benefits Sharing (RBMJ) | Médio Juruá Territory Forum (Fórum TMJ)
Sumurivi is an indigenous leader, with huge traditional knowledge who helps guide our conservation practices in an appropriate and respectful manner.
Itauba Community | Deni Association from Rio Xeruã (ASPODEX )
Sumurivi is an indigenous leader, with huge traditional knowledge who helps guide our conservation practices in an appropriate and respectful manner.
Itauba Community | Deni Association from Rio Xeruã (ASPODEX )


Ana Carla is developing her doctoral thesis in Biological Diversity and Conservation in the Tropics at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL). She is a biologist graduate from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and holds a master's degree in Ecology and Conservation from the University of Mato Grosso State (UNEMAT). Her research project focuses on bioeconomics, the valuation of ecosystem services involved in participatory fisheries management systems, seeking population recovery of overexploited species, income generation, and increased quality of life for local peoples.
Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL)
Ana Carla is developing her doctoral thesis in Biological Diversity and Conservation in the Tropics at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL). She is a biologist graduate from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and holds a master's degree in Ecology and Conservation from the University of Mato Grosso State (UNEMAT). Her research project focuses on bioeconomics, the valuation of ecosystem services involved in participatory fisheries management systems, seeking population recovery of overexploited species, income generation, and increased quality of life for local peoples.
Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL)
Ana is an ecologist (UNESP 2000), with a post-graduate degree in Biodiversity Conservation (Spain 2002) and a PhD in Ecology (University of Oxford, England 2008). Currently she is a professor at the Federal University of Alagoas, working at the Laboratory of Conservation in the 21st Century (LACOS21), developing research on biodiversity conservation, assets in Protected Areas, Cultural Ecosystem Services, Scientometrics, Culturomics, etc. Ana is also mother of Jasmine and Beatrice and always dreamed of taking research closer to society, since 2020 she has intensified the actions of scientific dissemination to children and society as a whole.
Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL)
Ana is an ecologist (UNESP 2000), with a post-graduate degree in Biodiversity Conservation (Spain 2002) and a PhD in Ecology (University of Oxford, England 2008). Currently she is a professor at the Federal University of Alagoas, working at the Laboratory of Conservation in the 21st Century (LACOS21), developing research on biodiversity conservation, assets in Protected Areas, Cultural Ecosystem Services, Scientometrics, Culturomics, etc. Ana is also mother of Jasmine and Beatrice and always dreamed of taking research closer to society, since 2020 she has intensified the actions of scientific dissemination to children and society as a whole.
Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL)
André is an ecologist and postdoctoral researcher at ICTA-UAB. He holds a PhD in Production Ecology and Resource Conservation (Wageningen University), an MSc. in Biological Sciences - Botany (National Institute for Amazonian Research) and a BSc. in Biological Sciences (University of São Paulo). He is broadly interested in interdisciplinary research on the fields of ethnoecology, traditional resource management systems, ecology of agroecosystems, and historical ecology. His current research at the LICCI Project (Local Indicators of Climate Change Impacts) focuses on understanding the complementarities between traditional ecological knowledge and scientific knowledge on climate change.
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)
André is an ecologist and postdoctoral researcher at ICTA-UAB. He holds a PhD in Production Ecology and Resource Conservation (Wageningen University), an MSc. in Biological Sciences - Botany (National Institute for Amazonian Research) and a BSc. in Biological Sciences (University of São Paulo). He is broadly interested in interdisciplinary research on the fields of ethnoecology, traditional resource management systems, ecology of agroecosystems, and historical ecology. His current research at the LICCI Project (Local Indicators of Climate Change Impacts) focuses on understanding the complementarities between traditional ecological knowledge and scientific knowledge on climate change.
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Andrew is an ecosystem modeller and post-doctoral researcher at Northern Arizona University. He holds a PhD in EcoInformatics (Northern Arizona University), MSc. in Environmental Change and Management (University of Oxford) and an MA in Geography (University of Cambridge). His research integrates ecological models with field and remotely sensed data to quantify ecosystem services by different communities of animals. Specifically, he focuses on nutrient/seed dispersal by animals and the importance this has for ecosystem composition and function throughout the world.
Northern Arizona University (NAU)
Andrew is an ecosystem modeller and post-doctoral researcher at Northern Arizona University. He holds a PhD in EcoInformatics (Northern Arizona University), MSc. in Environmental Change and Management (University of Oxford) and an MA in Geography (University of Cambridge). His research integrates ecological models with field and remotely sensed data to quantify ecosystem services by different communities of animals. Specifically, he focuses on nutrient/seed dispersal by animals and the importance this has for ecosystem composition and function throughout the world.
Northern Arizona University (NAU)
Carine is an ecologist with a PhD from the University of Bristol, UK. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from Unisinos University, a master's degree in Ecology from the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA), and four years of postdoctoral research at the Paulista State University (UNESP, Rio Claro) and Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC, Spain). Her line of research combines ecological network theory and evolutionary thinking with natural history and statistical tools.
Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Research Institute (JBRJ)
Carine is an ecologist with a PhD from the University of Bristol, UK. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from Unisinos University, a master's degree in Ecology from the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA), and four years of postdoctoral research at the Paulista State University (UNESP, Rio Claro) and Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC, Spain). Her line of research combines ecological network theory and evolutionary thinking with natural history and statistical tools.
Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Research Institute (JBRJ)
Carolina Freitas has been working in the Amazon since 2011, with great interest in the use of natural resources by local peoples, and in their strategies to achieve sustainability. Her main professional objective is to find alternatives that can reconcile biodiversity conservation with the quality of life of local peoples. Carolina holds a master's degree from the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA) and a doctorate in Ecology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), and her current work focuses on the management of arapaima (Arapaima sp.), a successful example of participatory management that has been taking place in several areas of the Amazon.
Carolina Freitas has been working in the Amazon since 2011, with great interest in the use of natural resources by local peoples, and in their strategies to achieve sustainability. Her main professional objective is to find alternatives that can reconcile biodiversity conservation with the quality of life of local peoples. Carolina holds a master's degree from the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA) and a doctorate in Ecology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), and her current work focuses on the management of arapaima (Arapaima sp.), a successful example of participatory management that has been taking place in several areas of the Amazon.
Felipe holds a biology degree from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) and holds a master's degree in Freshwater Biology and Inland Fisheries from the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA). He has been working for 15 years in the Amazon with research and extension projects in conservation and promotion of sociobiodiversity. He has experience in implementation and maintenance processes for participatory fisheries management with riverside and indigenous communities. He is an indigenist at OPAN and in recent years has been dedicated to strengthening the Value Chain of the managed arapaima.
Operation Native Amazon (OPAN)
Felipe holds a biology degree from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) and holds a master's degree in Freshwater Biology and Inland Fisheries from the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA). He has been working for 15 years in the Amazon with research and extension projects in conservation and promotion of sociobiodiversity. He has experience in implementation and maintenance processes for participatory fisheries management with riverside and indigenous communities. He is an indigenist at OPAN and in recent years has been dedicated to strengthening the Value Chain of the managed arapaima.
Operation Native Amazon (OPAN)
Filipe is a biologist, he worked in Minas Gerais at the beginning of his career. In 2019 he became a Master in Ecology and is currently pursuing his PhD in Ecology at the National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA). With the start of his career as an ecologist in the Brazilian Amazon in 2017, Filipe found his passion in studying the conservation of these biomes and better understanding the ecology of Amazonian Birds. With an even greater interest in helping the conservation of the Amazon, Filipe joined the Instituto Juruá as a way to engage studies in bird ecology and remote area conservation, assessing impacts of community-based conservation in the Mid-Juruá region, using tools such as acoustic landscape and studying migration patterns and habitat use.
National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA)
Filipe is a biologist, he worked in Minas Gerais at the beginning of his career. In 2019 he became a Master in Ecology and is currently pursuing his PhD in Ecology at the National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA). With the start of his career as an ecologist in the Brazilian Amazon in 2017, Filipe found his passion in studying the conservation of these biomes and better understanding the ecology of Amazonian Birds. With an even greater interest in helping the conservation of the Amazon, Filipe joined the Instituto Juruá as a way to engage studies in bird ecology and remote area conservation, assessing impacts of community-based conservation in the Mid-Juruá region, using tools such as acoustic landscape and studying migration patterns and habitat use.
National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA)
Flávia is a researcher at the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA, Manaus), where she also developed her PhD thesis in the Ecology Program. She is a biologist and holds a Master's degree (Environmental Science) from the University of São Paulo. She has been working for 25 years in the Amazon, developing research in Plant Ecology. Her main interest at the moment is to understand how shallow water table forests work, to determine if they can act as refuges for biodiversity and ecosystem services as drought conditions become more frequent due to climate change.
National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA)
Flávia is a researcher at the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA, Manaus), where she also developed her PhD thesis in the Ecology Program. She is a biologist and holds a Master's degree (Environmental Science) from the University of São Paulo. She has been working for 25 years in the Amazon, developing research in Plant Ecology. Her main interest at the moment is to understand how shallow water table forests work, to determine if they can act as refuges for biodiversity and ecosystem services as drought conditions become more frequent due to climate change.
National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA)
Franciany is a biologist and PhD candidate in Zoology at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), being part of the UFPB Mammals Laboratory. She develops research in socio-ecological systems, biodiversity conservation, anthropic impact on fauna and community-based management of hunting in the Amazon and sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, she is also part of the Fauna Network, a research group engaged in the conservation and management of Amazonian fauna.
Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB)
Franciany is a biologist and PhD candidate in Zoology at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), being part of the UFPB Mammals Laboratory. She develops research in socio-ecological systems, biodiversity conservation, anthropic impact on fauna and community-based management of hunting in the Amazon and sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, she is also part of the Fauna Network, a research group engaged in the conservation and management of Amazonian fauna.
Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB)
Gabriela Vedovello is a biologist (UFSCar), and is currently developing her master's research in ecology at INPA with the support of the Instituto Juruá. She is studying the ethno-ecology and occupation area of the Amazon manatee. Her project involves the perception and memory of the residents of Juruá, seeking to understand the variation in population size of the Amazon manatee over time and its current distribution. Her main interests include ethnobiology and the use of natural resources by traditional Peoples and communities.
National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA)
Gabriela Vedovello is a biologist (UFSCar), and is currently developing her master's research in ecology at INPA with the support of the Instituto Juruá. She is studying the ethno-ecology and occupation area of the Amazon manatee. Her project involves the perception and memory of the residents of Juruá, seeking to understand the variation in population size of the Amazon manatee over time and its current distribution. Her main interests include ethnobiology and the use of natural resources by traditional Peoples and communities.
National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA)
Hani is a biologist, with an MSc in Animal Health and Production from the Federal Rural University of Amazon (UFRA). He is currently a PhD candidate at the Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), UK. Hani has been working in the Amazon since 2007, studying the ecology and reproductive biology of game mammals through a community-based approach. His main goal is to refine population data for game species in order to implement robust and sustainable hunting management strategies. In 2016, Hani was awarded the Green Talents Award, offered by the German Ministry of Research and Education, for his career path on behalf of hunting sustainability in the Amazon.
Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)
Hani is a biologist, with an MSc in Animal Health and Production from the Federal Rural University of Amazon (UFRA). He is currently a PhD candidate at the Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), UK. Hani has been working in the Amazon since 2007, studying the ecology and reproductive biology of game mammals through a community-based approach. His main goal is to refine population data for game species in order to implement robust and sustainable hunting management strategies. In 2016, Hani was awarded the Green Talents Award, offered by the German Ministry of Research and Education, for his career path on behalf of hunting sustainability in the Amazon.
Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)
Helder Espírito-Santo is an ecologist who studies fish behavior and population dynamics in the Amazon. Since his arrival in Manaus in 2005, Helder has been studying how the seasonality of the Amazonian environment regulates fish life strategies and how these strategies affect growth rate in natural populations over time.
Helder Espírito-Santo is an ecologist who studies fish behavior and population dynamics in the Amazon. Since his arrival in Manaus in 2005, Helder has been studying how the seasonality of the Amazonian environment regulates fish life strategies and how these strategies affect growth rate in natural populations over time.
Izeni is a biologist, holds a MSc in Freshwater Biology and Fisheries and inland fishing (National Institute of Amazonian Research), a PhD in Biological Sciences (Federal University of Pará). Currently, she is a professor at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) and coordinator from the Laboratory of Evolution and Animal Genetics (LEGAL ) where its research group obtains DNA sequencing data (mtDNA and Genomics) from the Amazon fauna to answer questions related to conservation genetics, molecular ecology and phylogeography.
Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM)
Izeni is a biologist, holds a MSc in Freshwater Biology and Fisheries and inland fishing (National Institute of Amazonian Research), a PhD in Biological Sciences (Federal University of Pará). Currently, she is a professor at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) and coordinator from the Laboratory of Evolution and Animal Genetics (LEGAL ) where its research group obtains DNA sequencing data (mtDNA and Genomics) from the Amazon fauna to answer questions related to conservation genetics, molecular ecology and phylogeography.
Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM)
Jessica is a Forestry Engineer through Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), with a master's degree in Tropical Forestry Science from the National Amazonian Institute of Research (INPA). She is a socio-environmental analyst at the Chico Mendes Memorial and works with socio-environmental projects that aim at ensuring territorial management, the improvement of the quality of life of traditional peoples and communities of the Amazon. She studies sustainable production systems focusing on value chains of socio-biodiversity, agroecology, and gender climate justice. She has been working with Instituto Juruá by helping with studies about climate change, gender and productive chains, as well as the management of arapaima.
Memorial Chico Mendes (MCM)
Jessica is a Forestry Engineer through Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), with a master's degree in Tropical Forestry Science from the National Amazonian Institute of Research (INPA). She is a socio-environmental analyst at the Chico Mendes Memorial and works with socio-environmental projects that aim at ensuring territorial management, the improvement of the quality of life of traditional peoples and communities of the Amazon. She studies sustainable production systems focusing on value chains of socio-biodiversity, agroecology, and gender climate justice. She has been working with Instituto Juruá by helping with studies about climate change, gender and productive chains, as well as the management of arapaima.
Memorial Chico Mendes (MCM)
João Henrique is a biologist and holds a MSc in Freshwater Biology and Continental Fisheries and a Ph.D. in Biology-Ecology from the National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA). João Henrique has academic and professional research experience in the ecology of tropical freshwater ecosystems with an emphasis in limnology, biogeochemistry and ecological processes. Currently, he is a postdoc, at the Earth Research Institute, University of California Santa Barbara USA, where he is investigating Amazon floodplain metabolism and greenhouse gases dynamics.
University of California (UC)
João Henrique is a biologist and holds a MSc in Freshwater Biology and Continental Fisheries and a Ph.D. in Biology-Ecology from the National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA). João Henrique has academic and professional research experience in the ecology of tropical freshwater ecosystems with an emphasis in limnology, biogeochemistry and ecological processes. Currently, he is a postdoc, at the Earth Research Institute, University of California Santa Barbara USA, where he is investigating Amazon floodplain metabolism and greenhouse gases dynamics.
University of California (UC)
John Terborgh is Emeritus Professor of Environmental Science at Duke University and has current affiliation with the University of Florida (Gainesville), and James Cook University (Cairns, Australia). His work focuses on tropical ecology. He conducted research in the West Indies, South America, Africa, Malaysia and New Guinea and published more than 300 articles and 8 books. He was awarded a Pew scholarship in 1992 and became a MacArthur Fellow the same year. He received the Daniel Geraud Elliot Medal from the National Academy of Sciences in 1996. John remains active working in research and conservation.
Duke University
John Terborgh is Emeritus Professor of Environmental Science at Duke University and has current affiliation with the University of Florida (Gainesville), and James Cook University (Cairns, Australia). His work focuses on tropical ecology. He conducted research in the West Indies, South America, Africa, Malaysia and New Guinea and published more than 300 articles and 8 books. He was awarded a Pew scholarship in 1992 and became a MacArthur Fellow the same year. He received the Daniel Geraud Elliot Medal from the National Academy of Sciences in 1996. John remains active working in research and conservation.
Duke University
Jorge is a biologist and holds a PhD in Ecology at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). Currently, he is a professor at the University of Santa Catarina State (UDESC), where he coordinates the Lab. of Applied Ecology and Conservation (LEAC). His main research interests are quantitative ecology, fish ecology, evaluation of fisheries resources, and fisheries management.
Santa Catarina State University
Jorge is a biologist and holds a PhD in Ecology at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). Currently, he is a professor at the University of Santa Catarina State (UDESC), where he coordinates the Lab. of Applied Ecology and Conservation (LEAC). His main research interests are quantitative ecology, fish ecology, evaluation of fisheries resources, and fisheries management.
Santa Catarina State University
Júlio holds a degree in biology from UFSC, a master's degree from USP and a doctoral degree from UNESP. He is currently a professor and researcher in the Department of Biology of the University of Taubaté and coordinator of the Conservation Biology Research and Teaching Group (ECOTROP group) at CNPq with lines of research in Conservation Biology and Ecology Teaching through Research Projects. Júlio develops undergraduate research activities with school students going through all stages of the scientific method and using the Project-Based Learning instructional approach. He also develops photography workshops in schools and educational centers.
University of Taubaté
Júlio holds a degree in biology from UFSC, a master's degree from USP and a doctoral degree from UNESP. He is currently a professor and researcher in the Department of Biology of the University of Taubaté and coordinator of the Conservation Biology Research and Teaching Group (ECOTROP group) at CNPq with lines of research in Conservation Biology and Ecology Teaching through Research Projects. Júlio develops undergraduate research activities with school students going through all stages of the scientific method and using the Project-Based Learning instructional approach. He also develops photography workshops in schools and educational centers.
University of Taubaté
Leandro holds a bachelor's degree in Oceanology (FURG) and a doctorate in Conservation Biology (College of Environmental Science). He has experience in fishing resources and fishing engineering. He studies the ecology and conservation of fish and fisheries in relation to the global change processes. More recently, he sought to understand how fishing in the Amazon depends on soil cover and hydrology of rivers. Leandro teaches Fishing Techniques and Systems’ Ecology and Conservation at the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation in Virginia Tech. He is a member of the Global Change Center faculty.
Polytechnic Institute (IPE) | Virginia State University (VSU)
Leandro holds a bachelor's degree in Oceanology (FURG) and a doctorate in Conservation Biology (College of Environmental Science). He has experience in fishing resources and fishing engineering. He studies the ecology and conservation of fish and fisheries in relation to the global change processes. More recently, he sought to understand how fishing in the Amazon depends on soil cover and hydrology of rivers. Leandro teaches Fishing Techniques and Systems’ Ecology and Conservation at the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation in Virginia Tech. He is a member of the Global Change Center faculty.
Polytechnic Institute (IPE) | Virginia State University (VSU)
Léo is a Biologist and works as a project manager for Operação Amazônia Nativa (OPAN). He holds a master's degree in Agriculture from the Humid Tropics from the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA). He was a founding partner of Espaço Cultural Muiraquitã, in Manaus (AM), and has worked for more than 15 years in the Amazon, working on projects related to the use of natural resources in partnerships with indigenous peoples and riverine communities in the Negro, Solimões, and Juruá river basins.
Operation Native Amazon (OPAN)
Léo is a Biologist and works as a project manager for Operação Amazônia Nativa (OPAN). He holds a master's degree in Agriculture from the Humid Tropics from the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA). He was a founding partner of Espaço Cultural Muiraquitã, in Manaus (AM), and has worked for more than 15 years in the Amazon, working on projects related to the use of natural resources in partnerships with indigenous peoples and riverine communities in the Negro, Solimões, and Juruá river basins.
Operation Native Amazon (OPAN)
Lisa Davenport is a research scientist at the Florida Museum of Natural History and the Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville. She is also an adjunct research fellow in the College of Science and Engineering at James Cook University in Cairns, Australia. Lisa has a BSc. in physics (Colorado College), a MSc. of environmental management (Duke University), and a Ph.D. in Biology (University of North Carolina). She collaborated on numerous research studies in tropical countries and was a founding member of ParksWatch. Her current research focuses on animal movement and migration within the Amazon Basin.
University of Florida (UF)
Lisa Davenport is a research scientist at the Florida Museum of Natural History and the Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville. She is also an adjunct research fellow in the College of Science and Engineering at James Cook University in Cairns, Australia. Lisa has a BSc. in physics (Colorado College), a MSc. of environmental management (Duke University), and a Ph.D. in Biology (University of North Carolina). She collaborated on numerous research studies in tropical countries and was a founding member of ParksWatch. Her current research focuses on animal movement and migration within the Amazon Basin.
University of Florida (UF)
Livia is a biologist and holds a master's degree in ecology from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). She joined Instituto Juruá in September 2021 and has been studying local perceptions on climate change, gender equality, and community-based conservation initiatives. She was awarded a Fulbright-CAPES scholarship and will accomplish her doctorate in the USA, studying community management arrangements for Amazonian species of ecological, cultural and economic relevance.
Arizona State University (ASU)
Livia is a biologist and holds a master's degree in ecology from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). She joined Instituto Juruá in September 2021 and has been studying local perceptions on climate change, gender equality, and community-based conservation initiatives. She was awarded a Fulbright-CAPES scholarship and will accomplish her doctorate in the USA, studying community management arrangements for Amazonian species of ecological, cultural and economic relevance.
Arizona State University (ASU)
She is a biologist, with a master's degree (University of São Paulo) and a doctorate (Unicamp) in Ecology. She has worked as a professor at UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) and as a researcher in several NGOs in the Amazon. She is interested in public policies applied to conservation with attention to protected areas. She loves population ecology and demographic models, especially to better understand the use of natural resources. She works a lot in the interface between the academic area and works applied for conservation.
Pulitzer Brasil
She is a biologist, with a master's degree (University of São Paulo) and a doctorate (Unicamp) in Ecology. She has worked as a professor at UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) and as a researcher in several NGOs in the Amazon. She is interested in public policies applied to conservation with attention to protected areas. She loves population ecology and demographic models, especially to better understand the use of natural resources. She works a lot in the interface between the academic area and works applied for conservation.
Pulitzer Brasil
Mark has a master degree in Conservation Science from the Imperial College London, with dissertation on above ground biomass and tree diversity in DRC. His PhD was based at the University of East Anglia focusing on hunting and community-based natural resource management in the Juruá and Uatumã, Brazilian Amazon. His main line of research is community-based conservation and natural resource management in the rural tropics including Brazil, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea and Madagascar.
Bristol Zoological Society (Bristol Zoo)
Mark has a master degree in Conservation Science from the Imperial College London, with dissertation on above ground biomass and tree diversity in DRC. His PhD was based at the University of East Anglia focusing on hunting and community-based natural resource management in the Juruá and Uatumã, Brazilian Amazon. His main line of research is community-based conservation and natural resource management in the rural tropics including Brazil, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea and Madagascar.
Bristol Zoological Society (Bristol Zoo)
Paulo is an agronomist with improvement in the Regional Wildlife Management Program for Mesoamerica and the Caribbean (National University of Costa Rica). Holds a master's degree in Animal Science and Pastures (Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture) and a doctorate in Fresh Water Biology and Inland Fisheries (National Institute for Amazonian Research). He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). He has experience in the area of Zootechnics, with an emphasis on Animal Production. He works in: breeding and management of wild animals (turtles, capybaras, catetus, agouti and pacas), conservation of fauna by communities and fauna surveys.
Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM)
Paulo is an agronomist with improvement in the Regional Wildlife Management Program for Mesoamerica and the Caribbean (National University of Costa Rica). Holds a master's degree in Animal Science and Pastures (Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture) and a doctorate in Fresh Water Biology and Inland Fisheries (National Institute for Amazonian Research). He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). He has experience in the area of Zootechnics, with an emphasis on Animal Production. He works in: breeding and management of wild animals (turtles, capybaras, catetus, agouti and pacas), conservation of fauna by communities and fauna surveys.
Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM)
Priscila has a degree in ecology (UNICAMP), but has been working with interdisciplinary research since her master's studies, particularly with aspects related to small-scale fishing. Since 2009, she has been a professor at UFRN (Natal/RN), where she has been developing research in fisheries management and socioecological resilience, always taking into account the ecological knowledge accumulated by fishermen and fisherwoman.
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Priscila has a degree in ecology (UNICAMP), but has been working with interdisciplinary research since her master's studies, particularly with aspects related to small-scale fishing. Since 2009, she has been a professor at UFRN (Natal/RN), where she has been developing research in fisheries management and socioecological resilience, always taking into account the ecological knowledge accumulated by fishermen and fisherwoman.
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Rafael Assis is a biologist with a master's degree in botany and a doctorate in ecology and natural resource management. For over a decade, he has been working on different aspects of vegetation ecology in the Amazon, with forest ecology of periodically flooded forests, patterns of endemism and habitat specificity, ecological processes involving the effects of land use and climate change. Rafael is the current coordinator of the Biodiversity Research Consortium (BRC), a bilateral collaboration between researchers from Brazil and Norway, which develops projects in the Brazilian Amazon.
Natural History Museum of the University of Oslo (Naturhistorisk Museum)
Rafael Assis is a biologist with a master's degree in botany and a doctorate in ecology and natural resource management. For over a decade, he has been working on different aspects of vegetation ecology in the Amazon, with forest ecology of periodically flooded forests, patterns of endemism and habitat specificity, ecological processes involving the effects of land use and climate change. Rafael is the current coordinator of the Biodiversity Research Consortium (BRC), a bilateral collaboration between researchers from Brazil and Norway, which develops projects in the Brazilian Amazon.
Natural History Museum of the University of Oslo (Naturhistorisk Museum)
Richard Ladle is an interdisciplinary conservation scientist. He graduated in Zoology (Newcastle University, 1990) and has a doctorate in Theoretical Ecology from the University of Oxford (1993). He works on conservation, biogeography, evolutionary theory, ecology, public understanding of environmental science, culturomics, and development and sustainable tourism. Richard is currently a Full Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas.
Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL)
Richard Ladle is an interdisciplinary conservation scientist. He graduated in Zoology (Newcastle University, 1990) and has a doctorate in Theoretical Ecology from the University of Oxford (1993). He works on conservation, biogeography, evolutionary theory, ecology, public understanding of environmental science, culturomics, and development and sustainable tourism. Richard is currently a Full Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas.
Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL)
Roberto is an oceanographer graduate from the University of Rio Grande (RS) and an independent researcher. He has a PhD in Ecology of Fish Communities and a master's degree in Age, Growth, Reproduction and Fishing from a marine fishing resource, both at the Oceanographic Institute of USP. He has been working on environmental diagnostics and monitoring in the coastal region of the state of São Paulo since 2006. His current interest is to develop a multidisciplinary program to evaluate the sustainable production of living resources and to monitor species indicating environmental quality and climate change in the Amazon.
Avila Consultoria Ambiental Ltda
Roberto is an oceanographer graduate from the University of Rio Grande (RS) and an independent researcher. He has a PhD in Ecology of Fish Communities and a master's degree in Age, Growth, Reproduction and Fishing from a marine fishing resource, both at the Oceanographic Institute of USP. He has been working on environmental diagnostics and monitoring in the coastal region of the state of São Paulo since 2006. His current interest is to develop a multidisciplinary program to evaluate the sustainable production of living resources and to monitor species indicating environmental quality and climate change in the Amazon.
Avila Consultoria Ambiental Ltda
Rona is a biologist, she holds a master's degree in Freshwater Biology and Inland Fisheries from the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA) and has been working in the Amazon since 2011. She is a collaborator of the Mid-Juruá Territory since 2017, when she assumed the first executive secretariat of Mid-Juruá Benefit Sharing Fund. She focuses on the well-being and development of freedom in the countryside, gender-sensitive value chains and strengthening of community organizations.
Rona is a biologist, she holds a master's degree in Freshwater Biology and Inland Fisheries from the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA) and has been working in the Amazon since 2011. She is a collaborator of the Mid-Juruá Territory since 2017, when she assumed the first executive secretariat of Mid-Juruá Benefit Sharing Fund. She focuses on the well-being and development of freedom in the countryside, gender-sensitive value chains and strengthening of community organizations.
Torbjørn has been working in the Brazilian Amazon for almost 20 years. He has a doctorate from the University of East Anglia (UEA), where he examined the structure and dynamics of plant and animal communities in a large mosaic of floodplain and dryland forest in the Brazilian Amazon. He is also a postdoctoral fellow from the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA) and UEA. Torbjørn is currently a professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He works in: studies of plant-animal interactions, animal movements, ecology and seasonality of floodplain forests, impacts of land use change on biodiversity and ecology, etc.
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Torbjørn has been working in the Brazilian Amazon for almost 20 years. He has a doctorate from the University of East Anglia (UEA), where he examined the structure and dynamics of plant and animal communities in a large mosaic of floodplain and dryland forest in the Brazilian Amazon. He is also a postdoctoral fellow from the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA) and UEA. Torbjørn is currently a professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He works in: studies of plant-animal interactions, animal movements, ecology and seasonality of floodplain forests, impacts of land use change on biodiversity and ecology, etc.
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Whaldener is an ecologist and nature enthusiast, studying and contemplating various aspects related to conservation in the neotropics and more particularly, the ecology and conservation of terrestrial vertebrates. He joined the Mid Juruá Project in the first years of its existence. He holds a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP), a master's degree in Ecology from the National Institute for Amazonian Research, and a PhD in Ecology and Natural Resource Management from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Whaldener currently works as an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Roraima.
Federal University of Roraima (UFRR)
Whaldener is an ecologist and nature enthusiast, studying and contemplating various aspects related to conservation in the neotropics and more particularly, the ecology and conservation of terrestrial vertebrates. He joined the Mid Juruá Project in the first years of its existence. He holds a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP), a master's degree in Ecology from the National Institute for Amazonian Research, and a PhD in Ecology and Natural Resource Management from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Whaldener currently works as an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Roraima.
Federal University of Roraima (UFRR)
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