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3rd module of the Political Training Course for Young Leaders in  Médio Juruá focuses on public policies

“Every time I take a step, the world moves” – Song by Siba and the Fuloresta

Photo: Dione Torquato, 2024

The training of young people aims to strengthen the grassroots organizations of Médio Juruá, encourage youth participation in the management of the territory, and contribute to local development. The event was organized by Associação de Moradores Extrativistas da Comunidade São Raimundo – AMECSARA and Fórum Território Médio Juruá, with support from Programa Território Médio Juruá (coordinated by Sitawi) and Instituto Juruá. The third module of the training took place on December 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2024, at the Núcleo Padre Derickx (Base of Bauana), Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Uacari – Carauari, with the central theme “Public Policies in the context of Médio Juruá.”

This module covered various themes addressed and worked on throughout these three days of the event, including the Brazilian political context, political mobilization, social participation, public policies, incidence, and the Brazilian political system.

In total, there were 77 participants, including young people, representatives of organizations, and invited speakers. The event covered communities from the RESEX Médio Juruá, RDS Uacari, the fishing agreement area of the Baixo Carauari, and indigenous lands (Kanamari de Carauari – Aldeia Taquara, Deni do Rio Xeruã, and Kulina – Aldeia Matatibem), as well as the municipalities of Itamarati and Juruá. 

Photo: Chave Digital, 2024

 “The training was a door that opened. I could see beyond the walls. Today, I’m seeing the world in a different way. It gave us the desire to want the best, to fight and not give up. We have to give our arms, not our hands, because hands can slip away; arms, when firmly embraced, stay.” This is what Eriane Figueiredo, a young woman from the community of Nova Esperança who participated in all three modules, shared.

There were moments of reflection on the next steps for the youth alongside leaders such as Dione Torquato – General Secretary of the Conselho Nacional de Populações Extrativistas – CNS, Vanda Witoto – Director of the Instituto Witoto and activist for indigenous rights, Renato Rocha – Indigenous Rights Specialist at Operação Amazônia Nativa – OPAN, and David Franklin da Silva Guimarães – Environmental Analyst at ICMBio /RESEX Médio Juruá. One of the highlights was the mapping of public policies that had been achieved, partially achieved, or not achieved, whether partially or not achieved in the Médio Juruá.

A moment of spirituality was also held, led by Vanda Witoto and the indigenous companions from the Deni, Kanamari, and Kulina ethnicities, for reconnection with Mother Nature, which governs life, and to ask for permission and protection for the days of the event through the fumigation with breu branco (a traditional incense).

Photo: Dione Torquato, 2024

According to Raimundo Cunha, the president of AMECSARA, one of the executing institutions of the event, “It is very important to politically educate the riverine and indigenous youth in the Médio Juruá Territory. The youth need to understand their rights, responsibilities, the implementation of public policies, and the political system. The training addresses exactly this, and it is a 10-year plan that we hope to be able to continue within the financial possibilities.”

Leadership training goes beyond a course or meeting; it is a continuous path to empowering the youth. “We aim for the recognition of the territory through its struggle and resistance in the face of adversities, promoting a careful look at the present because the youth are not the future; they are the now,” concludes Raimundo. 

In the days following the event, the youth presented their demands at the Conselho Gestor do Território Médio Juruá and secured the much-desired spot for the youth in this important space for dialogue and decision-making. For Willian Silva, from the community of Roque, the training was significant in empowering and building the confidence of the youth. “We now understand that young people are capable and have the power to occupy places of representation,” said the young man.

The next steps of the process will involve evaluating the execution of the previous modules, defining the theme of the next module in collaboration with Fórum do Território Médio Juruá, setting the date, location of the event, invited speakers, as well as conducting a financial evaluation for the upcoming modules by the institution.

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