By Raqueline Nery
The Fundo de Repartição de Benefícios do Médio Juruá (FRBMJ) has been active in the Médio Juruá region since 2013 indirectly through financial donations via Social and Environmental Projects, implemented by institutions in the region, and only in 2017 was formally created in accordance with the Law of Biodiversity, the law 13.123 of May 20, 2015, based on the commercial relationship between the company Natura and Community-Based Organizations of the Médio Juruá. In this collective arrangement, all community organizations access FRBMJ resources.
The FRBMJ steering committee is formed by five organizations, three of which are community-based: Associação dos Produtores Rurais de Carauari (ASPROC), Associação dos Moradores Agroextrativista de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Uacari (AMARU) e Cooperativa Mista de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Economia Solidária do Médio Juruá (CODAEMJ) in addition to Natura and ICMBio, and is supported by the fund’s executive secretariat. The FRBMJ aims to finance projects with a socio-environmental, community, organizational, productive focus and other activities that aim the sustainable development in the RDS Uacari, RESEX do Médio Juruá, Terra Índigena Deni and in the surrounding areas, with projects implemented by the proposing organizations covered in the notices.