By Maria Cunha, Almira Silva, and Phamela Barbosa
Translated by Laiane Lessa
The Mid Juruá region is known for its richness, whether for its biodiversity or history. Through time, the history written by people of the forest in this territory never stops! For this reason, leaders from Mid Juruá constantly demand that young people carry on the legacy of socio-environmental struggle and achievements made by those who made history.
To transform this desire into reality, Mid Juruá Territory Forum, supported by Sitawi, under the Mid Juruá Territory Program and GIZ, PPA, and in partnership with SOS Amazônia and Instituto Juruá, is launching the first Political Formation course for young leaders in Mid Juruá Territory this year.
The course aims to strengthen local institutions, communitarian organizations, communitarian involvement, grassroots organizations, and their leaders in the fight for their rights. The first module will deal with the theme: Ser liderança, a organização comunitária, democracia e cidadania (Being a leader, communitarian organization, democracy, and citizenship). In this module, participants will gain a perspective on the importance of grassroots movements and their collective organization for local transformation. The second module, titled Associativismo e Cooperativismo (Associativism and Cooperativism), will address forms of organization and action in the territory, as well as its purpose and functioning. Finally, the last module, with the theme Políticas públicas e organização governamental (Public policies and governmental organization), will discuss how communities of Mid Juruá can politically impact and transform the local reality. The pedagogical execution of the course will be conducted by SOS Amazônia organization, created in 1988 in the state of Acre, whose mission is to promote the conservation of biodiversity and the growth of environmental awareness in the Amazon.
“I understand that the course objective is to empower traditional communities to strengthen the organization of the territory, social organizations, and productive chains of Mid Juruá. Since empowering leaders is the ‘key piece’ for the development of any initiative, any community and territory”, says Maic, leader of São Raimundo community and Local Collaborator, who is supporting the course execution.
Fifty-two places at the course will be distributed fairly and representatively among riverside communities in the territory. The distribution will follow the selection criteria drawn up by the main local leader, with equal attention to issues of inclusion of vulnerable groups, such as women, women with children and indigenous people. The registration period for the selection process began on February 9 and extends until March 7, 2024. Applications can be made by filling out a form and sending it via WhatsApp (+55 68 9.9242-2514). For more information about the course, simply access the notice on our Instagram profile, or contact the WhatsApp number mentioned above.
Understanding that holding the course in the territory is already a political action in itself, the entire process is being co-built and planned with the grassroots community organization, in the entity of Comitê Gestor do Fórum Território Médio Juruá (Management Committee of Mid Juruá Territory Forum), and partner organizations, such as Sitawi, PPA, GIZ and SOS Amazônia.