


JB as he is called by his friends is an ecologist with a broad interest in the conservation of tropical social-ecological systems. João has been working in the Amazon since 2008, focusing on biodiversity conservation, natural resource management, protected areas, and community management of natural resources. João found his professional happiness in trying to understand how to align biodiversity conservation and human well-being, and believes that a sustainable destiny for the Amazon will only be possible if conservation ensures quality of life for local communities.



Born in Belém, Brazil, Carlos Peres was exposed to Amazonian natural history from age seven and his father's 5,000-ha landholding in eastern Pará, consisting largely of undisturbed primary forest, became a childhood playground. For the last 30 years he has been studying wildlife community ecology in Amazonian forests, the population ecology of key tropical forest resource populations, and the biological criteria for designing large nature reserves. He currently co-directs four ecology and conservation research programs in Amazonian forests, including the ecology of key timber and non-timber forest resources; patterns of vertebrate assemblage structure in Amazonian forests; the biological dynamics of hyper-disturbed and fragmented forest landscapes, and the biodiversity consequences of land-use change. He has published ~400 papers on neotropical forest ecology and conservation at scales ranging from populations to landscapes, and to entire continents. He has received several international awards including the "Biodiversity Conservation Leadership Award" from the Bay and Paul Foundation, USA (1995), and the "Environmentalist Leader for the New Millennium" by Time Magazine and CNN network (2000). He is a Professor in Tropical Conservation Ecology and divides his time between Norwich and fieldwork at multiple field sites in neotropical forests.


Vice President

Many researchers arrive in a new area of ​​study, develop their projects, and leave soon after the data is collected, perhaps never to return. When he arrived in Juruá in 2013, Hugo decided he didn't want to leave because he had built very strong bonds there. The desire to stay and contribute to the long-term development of the region was fertile ground for founding the Instituto Juruá together with the other researchers who were already working on the Juruá River. As financial director, he seeks to implement management tools that are increasingly efficient, less bureaucratic and transparent.


Financial Director


JB como é chamado pelos amigos é um ecólogo com amplo interesse na conservação de sistemas socioecológicos tropicais. João tem trabalhado na Amazônia desde 2008, focando em conservação da biodiversidade, manejo de recursos naturais, áreas protegidas e manejo comunitário de recursos naturais. João encontrou sua felicidade profissional ao tentar entender como alinhar a conservação da biodiversidade e o bem-estar humano, e acredita que um destino sustentável para a Amazônia só será possível se a conservação garantir qualidade de vida para as comunidades locais.


General Coordination

Technical team

JB as he is called by his friends is an ecologist with a broad interest in the conservation of tropical social-ecological systems. João has been working in the Amazon since 2008, focusing on biodiversity conservation, natural resource management, protected areas, and community management of natural resources. João found his professional happiness in trying to understand how to align biodiversity conservation and human well-being, and believes that a sustainable destiny for the Amazon will only be possible if conservation ensures quality of life for local communities.


General Coordinator

Hugo Costa is a biologist with a master's degree in Zoology from the Emílio Goeldi Museum, and is currently a doctoral student in Ecology at the National Institute for Amazon Research. He has been working for 13 years and in the mid Juruá since 2013. In the coordination of scientific research, Hugo has the role of dialogue between the associated researchers and the Instituto Juruá team for the development of cutting-edge research that can support actions for the management of natural resources by rural communities.


Scientific Research Coordinator

Andressa Scabin is a biologist with a Masters and PhD in Ecology with an emphasis on tropical forest ecology. Andressa has been working in project coordination at Instituto Juruá since 2021 and aims to support community-based natural resource management initiatives. In addition, she has provided support in communication activities and in the education front that offers courses and educational activities for local residents in Mid Juruá. Andressa is also interested in developing projects related to the establishment of new production chains, agroforestry, and scientific tourism.


Coordinator of Protected Areas and Social Justice

Almira Silva holds a Technology Degree in Environmental Management - UEA and is a postgraduate in Management and Education - UNIASSELVI. Almira has been working for a long time to defend rural communities, leading important sustainability projects. Almira knows all the rural communities in Mid-Juruá and has an excellent relationship with local leaders and associations.


Local Coordinator

Eduardo is a biologist holding a master’s degree in zoology and a doctorate in ecology. His career path was mainly developed in the Amazon, researching social-ecological systems in protected areas and indiginous land. He coordinated the Programa de Monitoramento e Uso de Fauna (PROMUF) for Instituto Piagaçu. He has worked for Fundação Pró-TAMAR in Fernando de Noronha, on the island of Trindade on the coast of Espirito Santo, and for the Instituto Argonauta on the coast of São Paulo. He is also a founding member of the Aliança para a Conservação da Onça-pintada na Amazônia.


Territorial Management and Sociobioeconomics Coordinator

Almir is a resident of the city of Carauari and has extensive experience in conducting expeditions with our research boat along the Juruá River. He is responsible for coordinating field activity logistics for Instituto Juruá to ensure efficiency and safety.


Logistics Responsible

Nathália Messina holds a master's degree in Urban Development (UFPE), a technical degree in Agroecology (SERTA-PE), and graduations in Tourism (UVV-ES) and Architecture & Urbanism (Univix-ES). For the last five years, she has been dedicating herself to the 3rd Sector with socio-environmental collaborative projects, applied research, and agroecological praxis. In Pernambuco-Br, she co-created the Jardim Secreto do Poço da Panela community garden. In Espírito Santo-Br she co-created and co-manajed the RUCA Agroecology. In Amazonas-Br, she works as a socio-environmental analyst at the Juruá Institute.


Socio-environmental Analyst

Graduated in fisheries engineering from UFAM with a master's degree in freshwater biology and inland fisheries-BADPI/INPA. She worked for 3 years as a fishing engineer/rural extension worker at IDAM in the Alto Solimões region supporting the participatory management of arapaima. She is a Professor of sequential courses in the area of ​​fish technology and fish farming at CETAM, as well as training courses in sport fishing at FAS. She also has experience as a logistics analyst for the Cidades Florestais project developed by IDESAM. She works as a specialist in arapaima management at Instituto Juruá developing research related to arapaima and institutional administrative support.


Education and Training Coordinator

Graduated in Biological Sciences at the Amazonas State University (UEA) in the Centro de Estudos Superiores de Tabatinga (2021). Mastering in the Graduate Program in Freshwater Biology and Inland Fisheries (PPG BADPI) by the National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA). He has experience in management and conservation of arapaima, diversity and ichthyological composition in Amazon floodplain lakes. Develops research with taxonomy and genetics of arapaima at the Laboratory of Evolution and Animal Genetics at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM).


Fishery Management Analyst

Sarah Farias is an economist (Federal University of Amazonas, 2012) and a budget analyst. She operates in the control, monitoring of balance sheets, and decision-making throughout the execution process of projects within the third sector. She has worked in governmental public spheres (Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone, 2013), non-governmental and private spheres (Mamirauá Institute, Indigenous Coordination of the Brazilian Amazon, Indigenous Fund of the Brazilian Amazon, and Amazon Network Foundation). She currently works in the financial management support at Instituto Juruá - IJ.


Financial and Administrative Analyst

Karina graduated in Social Communication with a major in Public Relations. She is a specialist in Municipal Public Management, and has an MBA in Project Management. She is an expert in project management and has worked for more than 10 years in this area, mainly in the public and third-party sectors. She is currently a project consultant and has performed various services for public and third sector organizations such as fundraising, elaboration of projects, programs and proposals, resource management, and budget management.


Financial Analyst

Edimar is a resident of the Novo Horizonte community, located in the Mid-Juruá Extractive Reserve. He has a technical course in Sustainable Production in Conservation Units and a course in Social Technologies. At Instituto Juruá, Edimar organizes the arapaima counting in several lakes and offers courses in arapaima counting methodology and monitoring tools.


Community Management Specialist

Silas is a great community leader and the president of ARLBS, an important local association focused on the sustainable development of family agriculture in the Lower Juruá Region of Lago Serrado. Silas is also part of our team, playing an important role in our activities due to his great experience as a fisherman and community leader. Silas is responsible for helping us involve local communities in fishing agreements.


Community Management Specialist

Phamela is a woman, Amazonian, born in Manaus. She has a degree in Biological Sciences, a master's in Zoology, and is a socio-environmental activist. She has experience in the areas of zoology, conservation, socio-environmental education, and public communication of science. She has worked as an institutional articulator promoting partnerships in projects and educational actions about sustainable practices, and for the promotion of socio-environmental justice in the territories. Her work is focused on critical and anti-colonial socio-environmental education, and she sees in the Instituto Juruá a possibility for transformation.


Socio-Environmental Educator

Maria Cunha lives at São Raimundo community, in the Médio Juruá Extractive Reserve. She is a technician of sustainable production in conservation units, volunteer environmental agent and reading mediator for the Association Vagalume. Currently she is part of the communication team of the Juruá Institute, collaborating with textual productions, interviews and podcasts.


Local communicator and educator

Camila arrived in the Amazon in 2009 to do her master's degree and has never stopped working with this magnificent forest. She has a special interest in understanding the formation patterns and diversity of Amazonian environments, such as open areas and seasonally flooded forests. Camila believes in scientific development as a tool for conservation and bettering the quality of life of the communities.



Tonha is a logistics assistant at the Juruá Institute and currently coordinates the sales of the Institute's shop products in Carauari. Since 2013, she has been working and collaborating with initiatives for community development in the Médio Juruá. She is a symbol of female empowerment, being a woman qualified to count managed arapaima fish, an activity predominantly carried out by men. Additionally, she actively participates in various research expeditions aimed at bringing solutions to the Médio Juruá region.


Logistics Assistant

Maria Julia Ferreira is a Forest Engineer (UNESP), holds a Master’s Degree in Botany (INPA), and Ph.D. Degree in Ethnobiology and Nature Conservation (UFRPE). Throughout her professional trajectory, her main research interest has been to understand the role of communities and traditional people in the conservation of ecosystems and various natural resources. Currently, she is conducting a postdoctoral research project at Instituto Juruá focusing on the bioeconomy of products managed by communities in the Mid-Juruá region, covering both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.


Researcher in Community-Based Conservation and Natural Resources Management

Raphael Chicayban has a degree in publicity and advertising and a post-graduate degree in cinema. He has worked in the communications market for 10 years, specializing in creative planning, project coordination and film production. At Instituto Juruá, Raphael works with creative planning and social media management. Raphael believes that good communication depends on a strong sense of community, the basis for solid, fraternal and profound relationships.


Institutional Communicator

Born in Manaus. Has a degree in Administration from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). Has experience in administrative, financial and purchasing areas. Has worked in public governmental, non-governmental and private spheres. Her activities are focused on the administrative area.


Administrative Assistant and Purchasing

Born and raised on the banks of the Juruá River, coming from a riverside community, he is a resident of the city of Itamarati. He has worked with the youth of his city and served as a regional advisor for the youth ministry in Sector 2 of the Prelature of Tefé, which includes Itamarati and Carauari. Currently, he is a Pastoral Agent in the Prelature of Tefé. He is an indigenist with CIMI in the North 1 Region, working on indigenous and social causes. He is a family man, husband, and friend to those who seek his friendship.


Local Coordinator

Fernanda Araújo de Moraes is a resident of the Lago Serrado community, with a Technical degree in Administration from CETAM and currently pursuing a degree in Environmental Management Technology at UFAM. She is serving her second term as president of the Agroextractivist Residents Association of the Lower and Middle Juruá - AMAB. She coordinates the managed Arapaima fishery within the fishing agreement area in the Lower and Middle Juruá region, bringing improvements to the quality of life through income generation and the inclusion of families in this promising chain, thus contributing to environmental preservation. Fernanda is currently participating in the Middle Juruá Leadership Formation course and has recently joined the team at the Juruá Institute to manage a Community-Based Protected Area being developed within AMAB's area of operation.


Community-Based Protected Area Manager

Maria da Saúde Barbosa da Silva (Sassá Barbosa) is an experienced administrator passionate about the Amazonian socio-biodiversity, with over 27 years of experience in projects and initiatives connecting the market to forest products. Sassá has expertise in executing, monitoring, and controlling administrative activities, with skills in bridging the gap between the market and socio-biodiversity products, particularly in product commercialization.


IJ Store Administrator


Andressa Scabin é bióloga e tem mestrado e doutorado em ecologia com ênfase em ecologia de florestas tropicais. Andressa vem atuando na Amazônia desde 2007, com interesse em entender como as atividades humanas impactam as florestas tropicais. Iniciou suas atividades no Projeto Médio Juruá em 2016, através de sua pesquisa de doutorado que investigou os efeitos da caça de animais silvestres na comunidade de vertebrados, na dinâmica florestal e estoques de carbono. Atualmente tem apoiado pesquisas científicas de diferentes áreas do conhecimento tanto em ambientes terrestres quanto aquáticos.


Researcher in Tropical Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Camila is a biologist, she graduated from UFSM (2009), with an interest in ecological issues and how to understand the patterns of the diverse Amazon. She has a master's degree from INPA (2011), having worked with the impact of fires in seasonally flooded forests, known as igapós. She obtained her PhD at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2018), investigating the diversity of the Amazon with environmental DNA. She also completed her post-doctorate at the University of Duisburg-Essen (2021), Germany, working with ecological networks of co-occurrence with environmental DNA data. She is currently a researcher at Instituto Juruá.


Researcher in Tropical Ecology

Born in Belém, Brazil, Carlos Peres was exposed to Amazonian natural history from age seven and his father's 5,000-ha landholding in eastern Pará, consisting largely of undisturbed primary forest, became a childhood playground. For the last 30 years he has been studying wildlife community ecology in Amazonian forests, the population ecology of key tropical forest resource populations, and the biological criteria for designing large nature reserves. He currently co-directs four ecology and conservation research programs in Amazonian forests, including the ecology of key timber and non-timber forest resources; patterns of vertebrate assemblage structure in Amazonian forests; the biological dynamics of hyper-disturbed and fragmented forest landscapes, and the biodiversity consequences of land-use change. He has published ~400 papers on neotropical forest ecology and conservation at scales ranging from populations to landscapes, and to entire continents. He has received several international awards including the "Biodiversity Conservation Leadership Award" from the Bay and Paul Foundation, USA (1995), and the "Environmentalist Leader for the New Millennium" by Time Magazine and CNN network (2000). He is a Professor in Tropical Conservation Ecology and divides his time between Norwich and fieldwork at multiple field sites in neotropical forests.


Researcher in Tropical Ecology

Eduardo is a biologist holding a master’s degree in zoology and a doctorate in ecology. His career path was mainly developed in the Amazon, researching social-ecological systems in protected areas and indiginous land. He coordinated the Programa de Monitoramento e Uso de Fauna (PROMUF) for Instituto Piagaçu. He has worked for Fundação Pró-TAMAR in Fernando de Noronha, on the island of Trindade on the coast of Espirito Santo, and for the Instituto Argonauta on the coast of São Paulo. He is also a founding member of the Aliança para a Conservação da Onça-pintada na Amazônia.


Researcher in Community-Based Conservation and Wildlife Ecology

Hugo Costa is a biologist, holds a master's degree in Zoology from the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, and is currently a PhD student in Ecology at the National Institute for Amazonian Research. His main research interest is the ecology of vertebrate movement in different scenarios of land use and anthropogenic pressures. He is also interested in species distribution modeling and remote sensing.


Researcher in Spatial Ecology

João has a broad research interest including invertebrate ecology, ecosystem services, protected areas, community-based conservation, traditional populations, hunting, fishing, and human conservation dimensions. João is an associate researcher at UFAL – the Federal University of Alagoas – and at INPA – the National Institute for Amazonian Research – where he advises master and doctoral students.


Researcher in Community-Based Conservation and Fisheries

Joseph is an ecologist of tropical forests interested in the consequences of human disturbance and the sustainability of the use of natural resources. He holds an MSc. and a PhD degree from the University of East Anglia and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. His research includes monitoring biodiversity, forest inventories and carbon stocks; fruit characteristics and plant-animal interaction networks; animal behavior and food ecology; and the sustainable use and community management of natural resources and ecosystem services.


Researcher in Tropical Ecology

Maria Julia Ferreira is a Forest Engineer (UNESP), holds a Master’s Degree in Botany (INPA), and Ph.D. Degree in Ethnobiology and Nature Conservation (UFRPE). Throughout her professional trajectory, her main research interest has been to understand the role of communities and traditional people in the conservation of ecosystems and various natural resources. Currently, she is conducting a postdoctoral research project at Instituto Juruá focusing on the bioeconomy of products managed by communities in the Mid-Juruá region, covering both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.


Researcher in Community-Based Conservation and Natural Resources Management

Nathalia holds a Master’s degree in Urban Development, BSc. degrees in Tourism, Architecture & Urbanism, and she is an Agroecology Technician. She has experience in the areas of territorial planning and community development and has been working for 5 years with socio-ecological projects, applied research, and agroecological praxis. She is currently a Strategic Communicator of Instituto Juruá, pollinator of RUCA Agroecologia through the Pedagogical Working Group, and a collaborator in allied organizations.


Researcher in Agroecology and Territorial Planning

Phamela Barbosa Coelho is a Biologist and holds a Master’s Degree in zoology from the Federal University of Amazonas. She started her scientific career working in the fields of zoology, genetics, and ecology. Today, she collaborates on research projects related to zoology, and ecology conservation of Amazonian vertebrates. Furthermore, her main interests are also critical socio-environmental and anti-colonial education, and her efforts are focused on understanding how to make her research, the spaces she collaborates, and science public communication less colonial.


Researcher in Zoology, Ecology, and Conservation Amazonian Vertebrates

Native of Carauari, from the Gumo do Facão community, where she was raised with the values of the Amazonian riverside culture, Raimunda Antonia Gomes de Souza, better known as Tonha, is a nursing technician from the Shalom Institute, a logistics assistant at the Juruá Institute, and a collaborating researcher. She has been involved for 11 years in expeditions along the Juruá River with our research boat Hylea, getting to know different realities along the river. In addition to providing technical and logistical support to the team on board, especially in the areas of food and health, she currently participates in the Institute's research involving the food security of the communities, working with the children and mothers residing in these communities.


Food Security and Nutrition Researcher

Graduated in fisheries engineering from UFAM, with a master's degree in freshwater biology and inland fisheries (BADPI/INPA). Participates since graduation with scientific initiation through PIBIC's in the Amazon Fish Ecology Laboratory - LEPA/INPA, where she could get to know her interest in scientific research. During her master's degree she developed a research line in fish management and conservation, with particular interest in the Arapaima and its interactions in the environment. Currently she is developing research with pirarucu management and pisciculture in collaboration with other members of the Instituto Juruá.


Researcher in Fish Management and Conservation


Arthur earned a bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences and is currently pursuing an academic master’s degree in Health and Biodiversity from the Federal University of Roraima in the Post-Graduate Program. He studies bird populations in the Guiana Shield, revisions of protected areas in Roraima state, and determinants of bird occupation of  ESEC Maracá (Maracá Ecological Center). He also works with environmental education in ecology and biogeography facing ornithology and herpetology. Other works include studies with emphasis on intraspecific ecological relationships.


Fauna biologist

Bruna was born and raised in Campinas, São Paulo, where graduated in Literature - Teaching at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). She is captivated by the field of English-Portuguese and Portuguese-English translation, as well as in the Biological Sciences, especially animals. She sees voluntary work at Instituto Juruá as an opportunity to contribute to the well-being of Amazonian fauna, flora and communities, as well as the collective construction of valuable socio-environmental knowledge and learning experiences.


Portuguese-English Translator

Catarina Lima is a Graphic Designer who, through her work, creates designs, layouts and creative compositions. She is committed and energetic in all projects and demands. She loves art, cats, music and plays tambourine.


Editorial Designer

Deborah is a Biologist with a degree in Marine Biology and Coastal Management from from São Paulo State University (UNESP), and a master's degree in Biological Oceanography from São Paulo University (USP). She has worked in the field of marine ecology and has experience in formal and non-formal environmental education, as well as project management, data analysis, report writing, diagnostics, and fieldwork. She works in the field of photography and videography, with a focus on people, nature, art, and culture. Deborah has also been involved in coordinating social and cultural movements, as well as participating in advisory councils.


Video editor

Fernanda is an undergraduate student majoring in International Relations at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG). She has experience in voluntary research projects related to the environment, sustainability, and translation (English and Spanish). She has also served as an administrative assistant and finance coordinator for the academic directory of International Relations at FURG. Currently, she is a member of the EUGREEN Working Group with a focus on sustainability at ESPM.


Portuguese-Spanish translator

Flávio likes participating in projects that promote society development. He believes that he should do everything in his reach to contribute to forming a better world, be it through field work or by sharing in social networks.


Social Media Manager

Technician in Environmental Management from SENAC, she participated in free courses in the cultural, artistic, project management and coaching areas. She currently works with management and execution of social projects, and participates as a volunteer in third sector organizations.


Socio-environmental Project Advisor

Laiane graduated in English Literature from the Catholic University of Salvador and currently works as an English teacher. Through translation, she contributes to a greater reach of the discoveries made by the Institute. She wants to use her knowledge to help with issues that she believes are important.


Portuguese-English translator

Livia is a statistician by formation who decided to dive into the world after a strong calling to explore different countries and cultures. Through her work on cruise ships, she had an amazing experience, and today, after 12 years and 92 countries, she has returned to Brazil to seek new paths and experiences. She has long wanted to be involved in a project focused on preserving the Amazon, and the history and causes of the Instituto Juruá caught her attention and sparked a desire to help.


Organization of Biological Data - camera data

Mariana is a talented Graphic Designer currently pursuing her studies in the field. With a strong passion for art and illustration, she has honed her skills and established herself as a dedicated freelancer. Hailing from Rio de Janeiro, Mariana has been inspired by the impactful work and causes championed by Instituto Juruá. Eager to contribute her creative expertise, she was drawn to the opportunity to support their mission.


Graphic Designer

Biologist and Master in Complex Systems Modeling program with extensive experience in interdisciplinary research, with a focus on social-ecological systems. Her main interest is to understand the relationships between human activities and the environment, from a social-ecological perspective, in order to understand how these dynamics can affect conservation policies and local livelihoods. She is currently a doctoral student at the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in the United States, where she is conducting studies on the environmental and social factors that influence the community-based management of arapaima, as well as the food security of riparian communities involved in this management.


Data Manager

A Teacher  and a public server with academic training from the University Of Brasilia, in the area of education. She was enchanted with Mid-Juruá during a job project. By volunteering she searches for a way to continue collaborating with the region. 


Administration Assistant

Thayane is from Belém (Pará), a forestry engineer graduated from the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), with a Master's and Doctorate in Tropical Forest Sciences from the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA). She is a member of the research group on Silviculture of Planted Forests in the Amazon. Has experience with forest dynamics, establishment and monitoring of forest plantations and ecophysiology of tree species.


Organization of Biological Data

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