Media Centre

Instituto Juruá takes part in a training course on Safeguarding Protection

By Clara Machado

The Instituto Juruá team took part in a training course on Safeguarding Protection offered by Synchronicity Earth. Safeguarding Protection is a set of rules established by non-profit organizations to ensure that risks to communities where they operate are avoided or minimized.

We know that the entry of researchers, NGO workers and foreigners into traditional communities is always accompanied by cultural conflicts and power relations that can bring risks to communities, even if unintentionally. In this context, it is important to establish a policy, with well-defined rules of conduct that are adopted by everyone who acts on behalf of the institution.

With this training completed, Instituto Juruá has begun to implement this policy, seeking to avoid any threats that people may pose to communities of the Middle Juruá. This policy will be shared with all those who work with Instituto Juruá, informing our values and non-negotiable conduct, and establishing norms and behaviors that respect and value the culture of the region.

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