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AMAB celebrates 10 years of founding and holds its 10ᵗʰ Ordinary General Assembly!

The event brought together more than 120 people, including community members and partners, to present results, projects executed and in progress, construction of strategic planning, among other topics relevant to strengthening the association

By Fernanda Moraes and Raqueline Nery
Translated by Bruna Favaro

Photos by Raqueline Nery

Between March 20ᵗʰ and 22ⁿᵈ of this year, the Ordinary General Assembly of the Association of Agroextractive Residents of Baixo Médio Juruá (AMAB) was held in the São João community, located in the Carauari Fishing Agreement area. The assembly was attended by 123 people, including AMAB members and representatives of partner institutions.

There were three days dedicated to presenting results, projects executed and in-progress and the association’s annual accounts. Furthermore, the new strategic plan for the 2024-2027 three-year period was prepared with the direct participation of its members. Another highlight was the participation of the team from the International Institute of Education of Brazil (IEB), which presented explanations about the Common Use Territory (TUC) to the plenary, followed by the approval of those present at the event.

Presentation by Socio-Environmental Analyst, Satya Caldenhof (IEB), about the TUC.
Photo by Raqueline Nery

The work done to improve processes in the arapaima management chain – which is the association’s flagship – was also presented. The growth, improvement and advances in this chain are notable, which consequently brings income generation and improvements in the quality of life of members.

Furthermore, this year’s assembly featured two distinct highlights. One of them was the parade to choose the Musa of Pirarucu (Miss Arapaima), a novelty that brought together 13 candidates with a representative from each associated community. Of the thirteen, three were classified and received cash prizes. Another highlight was the celebration of the 10ᵗʰ anniversary of AMAB, complete with a birthday cake and a round of applause from all the communities and partners present. Standing we  applaud the work of AMAB, which, despite all its challenges, has been recognized for cultivating and strengthening riverside traditions!

Photos by Raqueline Nery

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