The General Assembly of the Association of Agroextractive Women of the Mid-Juruá brought together more than 180 women to plan activities, lectures, workshops and even a fashion show
By Maria Cunha and Clara Machado
From the 6th to the 8th of March 2023, the General Assembly of the ASMAMJ (Association of Agroextractive Women of the Mid-Juruá) took place in the Comunicade do Roque, in the Extractive Reserve of Mid-Juruá. There were rich moments of exchanging experience, information, and knowledge.
The association provided feedback on projects carried out throughout 2022 and those that are in progress and planned until 2024, so that associates can stay on top of the progress of each activity. Lectures managed by the Department of Health of the Municipality of Carauari (AM), referring to family planning and women’s health, were part of this moment of experience and learning. Forest women were gathered with a special look at the life of women in riverside communities linked to their physical, intimate and mental health.

The meeting’s schedule included the presentation of feedback on the results of the Diagnosis of Gender and Youth in Value Chains in the Mid-Juruá, carried out by the Instituto Juruá team. The project Dona do Meu Fluxo held a workshop that presented and encouraged the use of menstrual cups, which can be a more economical and ecological option for riverside women. The novelty made the women from the forest shine brighter in their eyes due to their eagerness to feel free in one of the most sensitive moments of a woman’s life.

Moments of emotion and entertainment among the 181 women who were present at the assembly brought a connection of support and encouragement so that riverside women can feel special every day, as shown in the documentary Seiva Bruta by Fernanda Preto. The documentary was filmed in the region, and had its premiere during the assembly, portraying a perspective in which every women can picture themselves, a mirror of the true face of the strong, warrior, and capable women who inhabit the rural communities of the Mid-Juruá. In addition, the program featured an exciting tribute to the founders of ASMAMJ and the “Roque Fashion Week”, a fashion show where women displayed products made by ASMAMJ members, such as crochet clothing and earrings made from scales of arapaima.

The assembly had the support of communities and institutions: Sitawi/PPA, Institute for Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Development of the State of Amazonas (IDAM), Secretary of State for the Environment (SEMA/DEMUC), Sustainable Amazon Foundation (FAS) and Association of Rural Producers of Carauari (ASPROC). In addition to these, several institutional partners of ASMAMJ were present, such as Instituto Juruá, the Native Amazon Operation (OPAN), the Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI), the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBIO), the São Raimundo Association of Extractivist Residents (AMECSARA) , Fundo de Repartição de Benefícios do Médio Juruá (FRBMJ), Association of the Kanamari People of Carauari (ASPOKAC), Association of Agroextractivist Residents of Lower Mid-Juruá (AMAB) and Mixed Cooperative for Sustainable Development and Solidarity Economy of Mid-Juruá (CODAEMJ)