By Clara Machado
Between the months of June and July, the course “Socio- Environmental Educommunication Practices Applied to the Promotion of Sustainable Development in Amazonia” was offered remotely by Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental and Embrapa Rondônia, in partnership with Instituto Juruá. The course was structured into four modules, via Google Meet, about different tools of educommunication with the objective of helping the communicators of the associations of Médio Juruá to produce information and divulge their activities, projects and dreams.
The course included training activities on content production for social networks, audio and audiovisual narratives, mediated by communicators from Embrapa and from Instituto Juruá. Despite the difficulties imposed by social isolation and internet connection, there was a great adhesion from the participants. Nine different local associations from the Médio Juruá attended the course, which had about thirty students in total. Participants gathered at connection hubs located in the communities of Roque, São Raimundo, Bauana, Nova Esperança and in Carauari.

Follow the organizations on social media to stay on top of their future productions.
- Associação de Mulheres Agroextrativistas do Médio Juruá: @asmamj.mulheres
- Cooperativa Mista de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Economia Solidária do Médio Juruá: @codaemj Casa Familiar Rural: @casa_familiar_rural_carauari
- Associação dos Moradores Agroextrativista de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Uacari: @associacao.amaru
- Fundo de Repartição de Benefícios do Médio Juruá: @fundomediojurua
- Associação dos Produtores Rurais de Carauari: @asprocmediojurua