Severe droughts threaten the sustainable catch of the Amazon’s giant fish
AGUA CLARA, Brazil (AP) — Two years of record-breaking drought have dealt a heavy blow to what is arguably the Amazon’s most successful sustainable economy:
AGUA CLARA, Brazil (AP) — Two years of record-breaking drought have dealt a heavy blow to what is arguably the Amazon’s most successful sustainable economy:
Instituto Juruá and Natura Argentina have come together to strengthen the management of protected areas. This exchange of experiences includes conservation practices in the Mid-Juruá
By Elzineide do Carmo e Maria Julia FerreiraTranslated by Luiza Campos In the first week of October, a team of researchers from the Getulio Vargas
By: Nathália Messina “Nature cries for help!” This is how Manoel, a resident of the São Raimundo community, in Mid-Juruá, portrays the scene of araçarís
The agreement was approved at the general assembly and will bring benefits to riverside communities, the city and the environment By Eduardo Muhlen e Nathália
Instituto Juruá was present for the assessment of the agreement, aiming the inclusion of new areas, support and training for the arapaima management By Valdenor