Available every Thursday on all main audio platforms, on Youtube, on Instituto Juruá’s website and broadcasted via whatsapp.
By Clara Machado
After about a year of idealizing, training the team and conducting interviews, Vozes do Juruá podcast was launched on November 17, 2022. The project emerged with the intention of making the conservation work carried out in the Mid-Juruá and in the Amazon more accessible, especially for an audience that is not yet familiar with the topic. The use of different platforms are tools to amplify the voices of those who live in the forest and work for its conservation.

The first season “O Grande Peixe Vermelho” (The Big Red Fish) will address the management of arapaima, from its idealization to the difficulties encountered in its commercialization. There will be five narrative episodes, based on interviews with important figures in the Mid-Juruá social movement, who build the story daily on which the season focuses. The interviews were scripted to clarify more specific information and make listening more interesting.
The season counted on a diverse team, in which different qualities and talents collaborated to develop the project. The interviews were carried out in person by different members of the team including volunteers, based on the opportunity of activities in the Mid-Juruá. The script and the presentation were taken care of by the science communicator Clara Machado and the talented communicator Maria Cunha, who’s a young leader in the São Raimundo community in Resex Mid-Juruá. The theme song used in the episodes is “Cabra de Sorte” by João Victor Campos-Silva, who very poetically sings about the region ‘s abundance.
Besides the contribution on main audio platforms, Youtube and Instituto Juruá’s website, a WhatsApp group was also created for the episodes to reach residents of communities that don’t have access to the internet. This way, the residents can download the episodes when they have access to the internet and share it with others interested. We hope the audios can eventually encourage new communities to start the management of arapaima throughout the Amazon, as well as making those who already manage the arapaima even prouder.
The episodes air every Thursday morning, only in Portuguese. Don’t miss it!